KPI Library

KPI Library is a collection of KPI's you can use for your survey to identify Demographics questions, or for Advanced Analysis to monitor and track trends. The KPI Library first display the KPI Categories. By default, the "Demographics Categories" is created for you with a list of preconfigured KPI's.
To add new KPI Category, click on the wrench icon and select "Add New".
Add your new Category:
To edit/rename/delete existing KPI Category, click on the hamburger icon. (The default Demographics Categories cannot be deleted or renamed.)

Add/Edit KPIs

Click on the title of the KPI category to edit its KPI items. Below, we are looking at the Demogprahics Categories. You can add/edit/delete KPIs from this category as well.
The KPIs listed under the "Demographics Categories" category are listed on the survey's View Demographics page (on the demographics category dropdown selector on the right side of the page):

Assign KPIs to your Questions:

You assign KPIs to standard questions through the question's Question Properties window:
You assign KPIs to matrix questions, you assign them to individual matrix rows using Matrix Row Properties window: