My Delphi SurveysWhen you login to your Surveylet account, you arrive at the 'My Delphi Surveys' page listing all the surveys you have created. This page provides you a quick overview about the current status and the progress of your surveys.
![]() Survey TitleTitle of the survey. Displays the short titles of your surveys.
StatusSurvey Status. Can either be Open or Closed. A new survey is always created with Closed status which you should leave as is until you are ready to launch it and invite panelists to your survey. You can open and close your surveys at any time; it will toggle the accessibility of surveys.
ConsensusMethod of Consensus. This settings determines which Delphi method you are using in your survey: either Real-time, or Multi-round.
RoundCurrent Survey round. Survey rounds are specific to Delphi surveys. A survey round is a snapshot of a survey at a point in time. Survey rounds are built on the same questions in your survey. While originally survey rounds were only used in Multi-round Delphi surveys, Surveylet allows you to create Survey Rounds in Real-time Delphi surveys as well where each round will be a Real-time survey. The Rounds columns shows which round of the survey is currently in. The current round is always the most recent round. You cannot activate an earlier round, only if you delete all rounds after that.
PrivacySurvey Privacy. An important part of Delphi projects. Depending on who can identify whom in a survey, there are 3 different privacy level available in Surveylet: Low, Medium and High. In a survey with Low Privacy, both survey administrators and survey panelists can identify everyone (name, email). In Medium privacy, only survey administrators can identify survey panelists, but survey panelists cannot identify other survey panelists. High Privacy, nor the survey administrators, nor the survey panelists can identify anyone in the survey. Be careful, if it is set to Low, every panelist can see the ID of other respondents. Once the privacy settings is set and there is at least one responses received in the survey, the privacy setting cannot be changed; to change it, survey administrator will need to delete all responses first.
Responses UsedDisplays the number of all responses used across all survey rounds. One response is a panelist's response to the entire survey, so the same person's response is counted only once even if the survey has multiple rounds. The responses deleted by survey admins are also included. Deleting a survey response will not reduce the Responses Used. To see the list of responses used for the survey, go to 'Survey Settings > Responses Used' tab. To see responses used for the entire account, go to 'Account Settings > Response History' tab.
Last ResponseDate of Last Survey Response Received. A Survey Response is a response by a survey panelists to the entire survey. The time shown is displayed in the time zone set for your user account. The default time zone for newly added users is "UTC Coordinated Universal Time". To change it, go to your User Profile and edit the Time Zone settings.
GroupSurvey Participants Group. A survey in Surveylet must be assigned to a Group which consists of one or more Users. You can create many groups. A Group can be assigned to multiple surveys, but a survey can only be assigned to a single Group. The group assigned to a survey is called Survey Participants group. The group is hyperlinked and when you click on the group title, it will send the default survey invitation email to all panelists within the group (emails will be sent out one by one, and not as a group email).
ProgressSurvey Progress. The percentage of questions panelist answered out of all answers marked as "Include In Progress". You can see information about how the panelists progress throughout the survey. There are 3 different types of progress: Not started; Started, and Completed. Each type is marked with different background color in the progress bar: Not Started (dark gray), Started (light grey), Completed (blue). Within each progress type, there is a number in squared brackets, e.g. [17]. It means that there are 17 participants within that specific category. The number is also hyperlinked, and when you click on it, it will trigger the sending of specify emails to the relevant people. The email template that is sent out is based on which progress you clicked on. If you click on Not started, then the Reminder to Start email template is sent to all panelists who have not yet started the survey. If you click on Started, then the Reminder to Finish email template is sent to all panelists who have started but not yet completed the survey. If you click on Completed, then the Thank You email template is sent to all panelists who have completed the survey at 100%.
Survey Archive
Takes you to the survey archive. Archived surveys are surveys that are not listed on the main My Delphi Surveys page, but on a separate Archived Survey page. You can archive and unarchive any surveys at any time. Archived surveys are not deleted, only moved to the survey archive. To access the survey Archive, select the "Go to Survey Archive" menu from the table dropdown menu:
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