User guide

Survey Rounds

Survey rounds are specific to Delphi surveys. Each survey round is a snapshot of the survey taken at a given time. Survey Rounds were invented with the Multi-round Delphi surveys and participants' answers were compared from round-to-round for consensus. The survey was carried on until consensus was achieved on all questions. A Delphi survey can have one or more rounds and the duration of rounds do not need to be of the same length.
Survey rounds are created by clicking on the number under the Round column:
Which will take you to the Survey Rounds popup window listing all rounds in chronological order starting with the first one:
When you create a new survey round, you have the option to create it blank or copy over the existing answers from the previous round. If you create a new blank round, then panelist will see the questions without any answers even if they answered them in previous round. If you started the new round with copying over existing responses from previous round, then all answers are copied over into the new round.
You may add survey rounds not only to Multi-round Delphi surveys, but Real-time Delphi surveys as well. If you add a new round in a Real-time Delphi survey, each round will function as a real-time Delphi; so you basically take a snapshot of your survey in time keeping all data collected up to that point.
You may delete survey rounds but all data in deleted round and all data in all new rounds will also be deleted. So, if you have 7 rounds and you delete round 4, then round 5, 6, 7 will all be deleted as well. When you delete a round, all data collected in that given round will be wiped out and cannot be restored. |To delete a round, click on the round number to see a dropdown menu with the "Delete Round" option:
From the Survey Analytics page, you will be able to see comparison of and benchmark KPI's per survey rounds over time.
The Analyze Survey pages allow you to pick a survey round for which you want to see the analysis for:
The SPSS Export report on the Download Results page also allows you to pick a survey round for which you want to download data for:
Survey participants can only see the most recent survey round; they cannot see nor return to earlier rounds. When they click on the survey invitation link to log on to the survey, they are always taken to the most current round. A survey invitation link is linked to the survey, and not specific survey round. Only the most current survey round can be active. All earlier survey rounds are closed and cannot be opened; only one round can be active (Open) at any time and only the most recent round can be active at any time.
Editing a survey will change questions, choices in all previous survey rounds, as a survey round is the snapshot of the survey data at a given time (survey designs do not have survey rounds and their versions are not kept, and cannot be restored to either).
When a panelist is deleted from a Group, his or her survey data will be removed in all current survey rounds, however, their data in previous survey rounds will not be deleted. So, if you remove a person from a survey in its current survey round (e.g. in round 5), then the panelist's data will be removed from round 5 but will be kept in all previous rounds (round 1, 2, 3 and 4).