User guide

Traditional vs. Delphi Surveys

Traditional Surveys
Traditional surveys (like the ones created using Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, or any other survey platform on the market today) work in a disconnected mode where survey participants are isolated from each other and make decisions based on their personal preferences, experience and insights without being able to weigh other participants' point of view into their own decision.
In a traditional survey there is no information exchange taking place between group members; opinions and individual knowledge is not shared with the team; individuals are not made aware of the group's consensus and where their own answers fit into or how close they are to the the group's decision.
Traditional surveys are simply the collection of answers from disconnected individuals. The final results are just the average of that data at best.
Delphi Surveys
Delphi surveys, on the other hand, are designed for group decision-making allowing maximum level of inclusion, therefore higher quality decisions made through information sharing.
Delphi surveys connect people. They allow constant flow of information through a dialog (without introducing "noise" chats tend to do) where participants can provide and reason their judgment which is shared anonymously with others allowing them to learn from each other and gather new insights and vital information each panelist brings to the table with their prior experience.
Delphi surveys are expert surveys. Survey participants are subject matter experts in their field who set out to achieve one goal in mind, consensus in light of what's best for the whole group.
The speed of Real-time Delphi surveys is unparralleled and any face-to-face meetings or live conferences where quick group decision is needed can vastly benefit from its application.