User guide

USERS: Responses

The Responses report displays panelists' responses for each individual quantitative question. It does not display open text data provided for qualitative questions (open text, essay). It however display My Comments text (in "Comment" field) provided by panelists in the My Comment box as a reason for their answer.
User Name:
Full name of panelist who provided the response.
Page number.
Question ranking number on page.
Question title.
Matrix row ranking number.
Row Title:
Matrix row text.
Matrix column ranking number.
Column Title:
Matrix column text. 
User Selection:
Label of choice user selected for question. 
User Selection Score:
The ranking value of user selection choice. 
User's reasoning provided in the My Comment textbox. 
User Positive Sentiment:
The percentage level of positive sentiment provided by user in My Comment box.   
User Negative Sentiment:
The percentage level of negative sentiment provided by user in My Comment box.   
User Percentile Ranking by Positive Sentiment in Question:
The percentile of user by the level of positive sentiment s/he gave to this question in the My Comment box.   
User Percentile Ranking by Negative Sentiment in Question:
The percentile of user by the level of negative sentiment s/he gave to this question in the My Comment box.