View Opt-out List

Panelists who want to be removed from your survey respondents list  (via sending us a "Remove Me" email from their email application) are added to the Opt-out list. This will remove them from your survey groups and will delete all their existing questionnaires assigned to them across all surveys.
We monitor these remove me requests and add those users to your Opt-out List without notifying you. So it is always a good idea to check your "Opt-out List" first to see if any missing users (users you no longer see in your Users page) are listed there. It is found under your Users menu. Those requested to be removed from your survey are added to the Opt-out List.
The only way to add back an opt-out user is for him/her to contact us from the email address that is listed in the Opt-out list and request to be added back. You cannot add her back by yourself for privacy compliance reasons.