User guide

View Responses

To monitor your participants' survey progress, the View Responses page can provide you the information you need. It lists the list of responses starting with the most recent one with questionnaire owner details such as names, email address, number of visits, progress and so on. If Survey Privacy level is set to High, any user-identifying information (such as name, email) is not displayed.

Response List

Respondent Full Name
Name of the panelist the response belongs to. Responses are also called Questionnaires.
Respondent Username/Email
Username and Email of questionnaire author. If email is the same as the username, then only the one is displayed.
First Access
The first time panelist entered the survey.
Last Update
The last time panelist entered the survey.
The number of visits panelists has had so far. A visit is a new click on the survey invitation link. Each time the user clicks on the survey invitation link, a new session is initiated and the "visits" counter is increased.
Indicates how many people viewed and approved (by not changing their existing answers) the latest change made by someone in the team. the higher the better. 100 means that everyone looked at the last change for the question and didn't change their existing answers, so they are all in confirmation of the group's decision.
The language the panelists is using.
Shows if this response is a test response or not. If it's a test response, then it was submitted from by the administrator through the Test Survey page.
Progress is a percentage value that is calculated from the number of questions (standard questions and matrix cells) versus all the questions and matrix columns whose "Include in Progress" property was set to Yes.
You can preview each panelist's answers for the entire survey by clicking on the Preview link button. If the survey is multi-lingual survey, then a dropdown displaying all survey design languages will be prompted.
In the popup window, all survey questions are displayed with any answers the panelist provided:
Allows administrative functions such as:
- Missed Questions: review list of questions that have not been filled out by the panelists.
- Chat: talk to respondents through a two-way one-on-one communication window. Email variables can be used in chat messages.

Group Progress

You can find group-level survey progress information also such as how many people responded, how many people has made no progress in the survey and so on.

Non-Respondents List

In the Non-Respondents table below, you may find the panelists who are members of the survey participants group but have not yet entered the survey. If there is no records in this table, this block is not displayed.
Respondent Full Name
Name of the panelist.
Respondent Username/Email
Username and Email of panelist. If email is the same as the username, then only the one is displayed.
The language the panelists is using.
If panelist had requested to be removed from the survey (via sending us a remove me email), he is added to the "Opt-out List" and this field will be set to Yes. You cannot email these panelists any longer. To reinstate the opt-out status, your panelists will need to email from the flagged email address to us stating that s/he requests to be reinstated. Survey administrators cannot reinstate opt-out users.
Talk to your respondents through a two-way one-on-one communication window. Email variables can be used in chat messages.